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Staying alive——活着
2008-03-28  知行英语  


  A man had just been laid off from work. He was standing on the railing of a high bridge getting ready to jump off, when he happened to look down and see a little man with no arms dancing all around on the river bank below.

  He thought to himself, "Life isn't so bad after all." and got off the railing.

  He then walked down to the river bank to thank the little man for saving his life.

  "Thank you," he said," I was going to jump off that bridge and kill myself, but when I saw you dancing even though you have no arms, I changed my mind."

  "Dancing? I'm not dancing!" the armless man replied bitterly. "My left foot itches, I can't scratch it!"


  他想,“其实我的生活还不算太糟糕。” 于是就从栏杆上爬了下来。


  “谢谢你,” 他说,“ 我本来打算从那座桥上跳下去自杀,但后来我改变了主意,因为我看到你虽然没有手臂,却依然能舞蹈。”

  “跳舞?我可不是在跳舞!” 那个人痛苦地回答,“我的左脚痒得厉害,但就是挠不到!”

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